TDW-04 Inspired by the animated character in the beloved Disney movie Tangled, this Rapunzel doll is ready to find her dream!Bjd Hit Gift Choice: Popular anime figure series with colorful gift box Not only does it make an exciting addition to your own toy collection, it is also a fun gift for any occasion !Doll Artists,(Cream)– Bjd Blind Box,Heat Bjd Dolls Body,Resistant Bjd Doll Anime,Fiber SIZE
Heat Resistant FiberCOMPATIBLE
TDF, Dolls using 5.5~6 inches wigs from other companyMODEL
* Please understand that there might be slight difference of style depending on the size of head, even though the dolls are known as the similar size.
* Please consider that minor color differences between the image and actual product will not be regarded as damage.
* Heat resistance fiber is usually thinner than the ordinary one.
* Wig cap can be shown between/through the fibers, particularly in the case that wig is manufactured with the light colored fiber.
* When you apply the heat to the Heat resistance fiber, you can make the wig as your own style.
* Wig might be treated with chemicals, depends on the wig. But it will not be smeared to your hand or other products.
* When you put the wig on doll’s head for excessively long time (specially dark colored one), it may stain other items or doll’s body.
* Please kindly use silicon head cap to reduce this risk.
Additional information
1/4, 1/6, 1/12
Silver, Beige, Cyan