Ayurveda is a sophisticated medical system with several branches.

 03 Dec 2022  1500

Ayurveda is a sophisticated medical system with several branches., branches of ayurveda

1. Chikitsa Kaya (Ayurvedic General Medicine)

According to Ayurveda, human metabolism is propelled by a primary force known as Agni, or the digestion fire. The main entry point for infections and nourishment is digestion. Pathogens are eliminated via healthy digestion, and nutrients are separated. Additionally, poor digestion has the opposite effect. Therefore, each ailment that spreads all through the body has a weak gastrointestinal fire as a primary reason. The definition of the term kaya is quite complex and scientific. Let's go into the term kaya's rich Ayurvedic history. The word "kaya" refers to the body's metabolic process. More poisons than nutrients are produced by a weak digestive fire. Through the body's normal metabolism, these poisons circulate throughout it. Chikista is a word for therapy. So, kaya chikitsa seems to be the branch in charge of the therapy for any illness that affects the entire body and has a widespread prevalence.

2. Kaumaryabritya (Ayurvedic Pediatrics)

The phrase "kaumaryabritya" refers to looking after a youngster. (Kumar means kid; britya means to serve.) This is not, nevertheless, only pediatric Ayurveda. It looks after:

• The overall health of women (Gynaecology)

• Issues with male and female fertility

• nutritious fertilization

• the embryo's development in the belly (gestation)

• Childbirth (obstetrics)

• Children's development and growth

• illnesses that affect kids and how to treat them.

Therefore, subspecialties of kaumaryabritya include gynecology, obstetrics, etc. And since these branches—Gynaecology, Fertility Science, Gynecology, and Paediatrics—are interrelated, this integration makes perfect sense.

3. Vidya Bhoot (Ayurvedic Metaphysical Psychological Treatment or Energy Medicine)

The corpus of knowledge known as "bhoot vidya" deals with "bhoot," its anomalies, and therapy. The treatment of all these three nuanced levels of existence—intellect, ego, and mind—is its main concern. So, bhoot vidya embraces the goals of contemporary mental health care.

There are several sub-branches of bhoot vidya that address various facets or phases of mental illnesses. A few of them include:

• Aswasaha Chikitsa: Psychotherapy/Counseling

• Satvavajay - Taking charge of the mind through practices like mindfulness, meditation, fasting, etc.

• Tadan: Shock treatment, etc.

• Havan: Offering fire

These are only a handful of the many branches that make up Bhoot Vidya. Additionally, energy therapy is a crucial component of Bhoot Vidya.

4. Shalakya (Ayurvedic Needle Treatment)

Shalakya is a name that means "from the needle." Shalakya tantric is a unique type of needle-based therapy. The science that source of contemporary acupuncture and acupressure therapies. There are energy meridians & pools (chakras) all over the body, according to Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese medicines, and several other conventional healing systems. Disorders may result from any form of restriction to these energy centers. These sites are stimulated by needle therapy, which also helps to clear metabolic blockages and release trapped energy.

5. Shalya (Ayurvedic Surgery) (Ayurvedic Surgery)

Any foreign substance that might cause a blockage or injury in any area of the body is referred to as a "Shalya." Harmful foreign substances also include malignancies, deceased fetuses, and kidney stones. Most of the time, the body's numerous excretion pathways efficiently rid the body of undesirable chemicals. But occasionally it is unable to. An Ayurvedic procedure called Shalya tries to eliminate the body from any dangerous foreign chemicals.

6. Tantra of Agad (Ayurvedic Toxicology)

"Gad" is the Sanskrit term for chaos or poison. Additionally, "agad" denotes an antidote or something that neutralizes poison. The Ayurvedic toxicology is known as agad tantra. It includes thorough explanations of poisonous flora, fauna, insects, dangerous minerals, metals, etc. The Agad Tantra also includes a detailed taxonomy of poisons, along with information on their signs, physical effects, and remedies. The treatments of snake poisoning, rat poison, encephalitis, toxic plants, etc. were of the many sub-branches under this branch.

7. Rasayana (Ayurvedic gerontology and anti-aging treatment)

Rasayana places a strong emphasis on curative and restorative treatments. This division seeks to advance general health and slow the aging process. The Rasayana plants are a distinctive class of herbs that belong to Rasayana. With these herbs, a unique quality stabilizes all metabolic processes. Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Brahmi, and other well-known herbs are some of the most popular Rasayana herbs.

8. Vajikaran (Ayurvedic fertility and aphrodisiac treatment)

The name of this branch comes from horsepower. "Vaji" is a forceful or enthusiastic word. Sanskrit also uses this as a synonym for just a horse. The goal of the specialty known as Vajikaran is to increase libido, fertility, and general sexual function. A really thorough science, it also provides suggestions for treating sexual contact aversion!


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