Ayurvedic diet

 29 Aug 2022  1517

Ayurvedic diet

A dietary regimen that has been practiced for hundreds of years is the Ayurvedic diet. It is founded on Ayurvedic medical concepts and concentrates on balancing various forms of energy in the body, which is supposed to improve health. The Ayurvedic diet, in contrast to many other diets, offers tailored advice about which foods to avoid based on your body type. It is also well-liked since it is supposed to support greater physical and mental wellness

The Ayurvedic diet is what?

Ayurveda is a holistic medical system that emphasizes encouraging body-mind harmony. The universe is said to be made up of five elements: vayu (air), jala (water), akash (space), teja (fire), and Prithvi (earth). These components are said to combine to create three distinct doshas, which are categories of energy that flow through your body. Each dosha is in charge of a particular physiological function. For instance, the pitta dosha regulates thirst, hunger, and body temperature. While the Kapha dosha supports joint function, the Vata dosha supports electrolyte balance and mobility (1Trusted Source). Ayurveda includes the Ayurvedic diet, which has been used for hundreds of years. It is based on eating in accordance with your dominant dosha certain foods to encourage harmony among the three doshas.

Eating to balance your dosha

Even though there is a very large list of foods to eat and steer clear of, the following general rules can help you get started with Ayurvedic eating.

What to Eat for Vatas?

Pick ripe fruits and boiled or steam-cooked veggies. Eat three or four meals every day at periodic intervals and plenty of nutritious snacks. Avoid everything cold, frozen, or uncooked.

EAT Soups, stews, casseroles, well-cooked oats, rice, and sweet, juicy fruits like bananas, berries, and melon, as well as freshly baked bread.

• Avoid foods and drinks with carbonation, fattier foods like hard cheese, aged or fermented foods, astringent fruits like cranberries and raw apples, sugar, and caffeine. Nightshades include foods like tomatoes, eggplant, pepper, and spinach.

What to Eat for Pittas?

As advised avoid hot food and stick to cool or lukewarm beverages. A vegetarian diet rich in bland, non-spicy foods is excellent for pacifying the pitta. Avoid eggs, wine, and caffeine, and cut back on the salt.

EAT Grains like couscous, quinoa, and barley; dairy products like milk, cheese, and sweetened yogurt; olive oil; sweet and sour vegetables like mushrooms, peas, pepper, broccoli, & zucchini.

• Avoid sour and acidic foods like grapefruit, tomatoes, and radishes; plain yogurt; foods that contain vinegar, including salads; nuts and seeds; as well as meat, Spices like black pepper, chili pepper, garlic, and onions.

What to Eat for Kaphas

Water is related to the Kapha dosha, hence those who have this dominating dosha should counterbalance it with pungent, astringent and bitter meals. Dairy and other fatty, oily meal should be avoided by kaphas. If you do consume meat, stay away from anything fried and choose instead for items that have been baked, roasted, or broiled. Go heavy upon those spices and avoid any sweetened foods other than honey.

• EAT Ginger and garlic, as well as apples, mangoes, peaches, and pears. You should also eat leafy greens and vegetables that are produced above ground, such as corn, asparagus, and eggplant.

• Avoid Oils, fats, frozen foods, root vegetables, and heavy gravies.

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