Ayurvedic Tips & Ways To Prevent (COVID-19)CoronaVirus

 31 May 2021  2097

Ayurvedic Tips & Ways To Prevent (COVID-19)CoronaVirus

 It is this time it is not known how far the threat from the Wuhan (China) coronavirus (COVID-19) will go. Today most of the countries around the world have reported that the virus mutates rapidly.It has already increased its infectious capacity around the world. The coronavirus has shown some symptoms of the disease like it can have fever, cough and difficulty breathing. So if symptoms found early medical care is needed as there is no vaccination for it.Research to develop a vaccine is underway around the way, but can not say when will it be available, at best it is necessary to follow simple rules which can prevent you from coronavirus (COVID-19), below are some of it.

How can you prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease?

Yes, you can prevent coronavirus by,

  • STAYING home
  • KEEPING a safe distance
  • WASHING hands quite often,
  • COVERING your cough
  • SICK? Call the helpline

Is There Treatment For (COVID-19)?

The Answer Is “NO”

There is no effective treatment for coronavirus or so-called (COVID-19), Currently, patients can only be treated with existing antiviral drugs, of limited efficacy, and with other drugs that combat symptoms (fever, inflammation, pain).Specialists recommend the same general preventive measures that are taken against colds and flu, so avoid direct contact with people with such symptoms and wash hands frequently.At the moment, Wuhan pneumonia is estimated to cause 3%-4% mortality among affected people. The victims are usually older people, with some chronic disease or immunosuppression. So healthy and strong immune systems people have less to fear besides exceptional cases. They can prevent or overcome the infection without sequelae.Strengthening the immune system and using natural means with antiviral properties can be an effective strategy and it can be in our hands to prevent a possible infection or to fight the virus, if applicable.

Are There Natural Ways To Prevent Wuhan Corona Virus?

Yes, you can prevent a healthy diet and lifestyle changes that can build a healthy immune system.

  • A diet based on whole and natural products, with the presence of 5 to 10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, half of them fresh, allows the body’s defensive systems to function properly.
  • The night rest with enough quality sleep is essential to keep the number and activity of immune cells that detect and eliminate viruses before they become a problem.
  • In addition, in the morning you should practice meditation, conscious breathing or some relaxation technique.
  • The exercise is also necessary. Physical activity strengthens immunity, improves circulation, and reduces inflammation. If there is no disease that contraindicates it, the minimum dose of exercise, even for the elderly, is 30 minutes, three days a week.

Antiviral Plants & Herbs To Boost Immunity

In addition to these above habits, certain foods, plants, and herbs are also mentioned in Ayurveda that has proven to have antiviral properties.

1. Holy basil or Tulsi

It is a herb that can help fight viral infections and can boost the immune system. In a 4-week study in 24 healthy adults, the supplementation of 300 mg of holy basil (tulsi) extract was given.It was found that it significantly increased levels of T-cell helpers and killers that help protect and defend our body from viral infections. The study was published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

4. Fennel

It is a sweet-tasting plant that can fight certain viruses, thanks to compounds like transanetol in Fennel. Fresh leaves and flowers are consumed, it can be chopped and added to salads and sauces.With a teaspoon of dried seeds (5 g), you can prepare an infusion for 10 minutes. It is not recommended for children or pregnant women.

3. Sage

It is an aromatic plant that has been traditionally used to treat viral infections. The antiviral properties of sage are primarily attributed to compounds called safficinolide, found in the leaves and stem of the plant. you can prepare an infusion with 15 g of dry leaves per liter of water. A traditional application of the properties of sage is a good home air purifier.


It is a herb that has antiviral properties, it has phytonutrients substances known as “thymol and carvacrol”. These properties are known to fight infections such as staph.You can add it to sauces, stir-fries, and salads. You can also prepare an oil flavored with oregano to always have it at hand in your recipes.

5. Garlic

It is well known ayurvedic spice with excellent antiviral properties. In the vitro studies, it has been found that garlic extract showed activity against influenza A and B and its effectiveness against viruses.It should be consumed raw to take advantage of its qualities. If you are using garlic in cooking, chop it half an hour before so that its active ingredients and enzymes are generated. In this way, you can retain a good part of its properties on being cooked.

6. Echinacea

It is one of the most widely used plants in herbal medicine its roots and flowers are used to stimulate immunity.In rhinovirus infected human bronchial and lung epithelial cell lines the virus could stimulate the secretion of more than 30 different cytokines, including the pro-inflammatory IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and TNFα.They are known to be collectively involved in many of the symptoms such as colds and flu, such as sneezing, fever, sore throat, nasal discharges and inflammation in various respiratory tissues. The Echinacea preparations were able to completely or partly reverse this stimulation.

7. Elderberries

Elderberries is another ayurvedic herb that can help to clears excess dampness and heat associated with excess pitta and Kapha. Its uses can help to combat complaints of the respiratory tract, colds, and flu.It has calcium, phosphorus, bioflavonoids, potent antioxidants, beta-carotene, potassium, with a good source of vitamin C in it.A review of 4 studies with a total of 180 participants, published in Complementary Therapies Medicine, found that elderberry supplements alleviate upper respiratory tract symptoms caused by viral infections.

8. Ginger

It is also an important ayurvedic herb with an impressive anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity, thanks to its concentration of compounds such as gingerols and zingerone.Which inhibit the replication of viruses and penetrate healthy cells and fight against the human respiratory syncytial virus. You can take a dry extract tablet or prepare an infusion with slices of fresh ginger.

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