Health Reactive - 4 Must-Have Ayurvedic in Your Kitchen

 14 Mar 2017  1863

A kitchen is the place where you can have all your treasures stores. When talking about the treasure, for me it has always been “Health”. The kitchen is the place where you have all the natural and traditional healing remedies stored, the herbs and spices stored that will shoo away your ailments and common infection without seeing any doctor or gulping in capsules. Here we have listed 5 essential Ayurvedic herbs that you should be never falling short on in your kitchen. These Ayurvedic essentials will provide immense health benefits when it will be used as part of regular cooking.

1. Ginger (Adrak)
Often used while preparing tea, this surely has made its place in every one’s kitchen and heart. Most of us know that ginger is excellent for the throat, this medicine can do wonders due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties. 

  • Relief from headache
  • Reduces joint pains
  • Aids digestion
  • May help in the cases of nausea and vomiting. 

How to use: You can make use ginger for medicinal purpose in the form of a paste or juice extract. 

2. Arom seeds (Ajwain)
The Ayurveda has confirmed that Arom Seeds can be used as a body detoxing solution. It is excellently beneficial in pacifying Kapha and Vata, but increases Pitta. 

  • Powerful cleanser
  • Stimulates appetite
  • Improves digestion
  • Alleviates acidity 
  • Aids in effective functioning of respiratory system and the kidneys. 

How to use: Can be used in the form of paste in combination with jaggery to treat Asthma and cold related symptoms. It can be poured in a warm water and supped to treat indigestion and stomach pain.

3. Turmeric
Just like we spoke about ginger, this kitchen king also holds a similar place in ever one’s kitchen due to its healing properties and health benefits. 

  • Excellent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial herb
  • Great in preventing infection and treating wounds. 
  • Reduces joint pains 
  • Strengthens joints and spine
  • Excellent remedy for cold and cough

How to use: It can be added to milk or used while cooking food. 

4. Basil leaves (Tulsi)
Even basil leaves do wonders in treating viral and bacterial wounds due to its great antioxidant antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. 

  • Treats wounds due to its antiseptic property. 
  • Relieves chest congestion. 
  • Useful in curing sore throat
  • It can be applied to wounds externally

How to use: Basil leaves can be freshly chewed, grinded or mixed with sandalwood powder for application.


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