Top 10 Health Benefits Of Eating Amaranth Leaves

 14 Apr 2021  4454

Amaranthus spinosus Linn. also known as Amaranth is a very popular food crop which is known for its medicinal properties throughout the world.It is believed to be the oldest food crops that have been cultivation since 6700 BC. It is commonly recognized as thorny amaranth, spiny pigweed, spiny amaranth, or prickly amaranth.

The matured form of Amaranth is also called as ‘Amaranth spleen’. It is also one of the popular foods of India, in Hindi, Amaranth is known as Kate wali Chaulai or Kanatabhaji and in Sanskrit, it is called tanduliyaka.Its leaves once in a while look like spinach, and it is available in red, green, and purple and golden color. It is believed that there are more than 70 species of plants throughout the world. Amaranth is known for its amazing source of medicines.

Where Does Amaranth Grow?

The evidence indicates that Amaranth’s origin is South America towards Central America to Mexico.

It is believed that shikri (Hunter-gatherers) collected and ate the seeds since pre-historic times; the seeds were also harvested by Aztec and Inca tribes of Central and South America.

The evidence shows that its domestication took place as far back as 4,000 or 5,000 BC. Today Amaranthus spinosus is distributed vastly throughout the tropics and warm temperate regions of Asia.

It is cultivated throughout India, Sri Lanka, and found throughout the tropical zone and warm temperate regions of Asia Indonesia to Japan to the Pacific islands. In Australia, it is cultivated as a weed well and also found in fallow lands.

How Does Amaranth Plant Look Like?

Amaranth is a green herb that is often called vegetable amaranth it looks like spinach in addition to tasting somewhat spinach like.

Stems: The stems are normally long upwards, narrow cut. The Grain amaranth plants dicotyledon plants with wide strong stems look similar to those of sunflowers. It can grow up to about 3 to 9 feet tall when mature.

Leaves: The leaves of Amaranthu’s plant are varying in size; they may be purple or green, with thin branches. They are usually simple with entire margins, with alternate and distinct marks relating to on species.

Flowers: The flowers are tiny green and are held up in dense generally towards the tips of the branches with elongated clusters. They have a long, soft feather look which is pink, green, white, or purplish in Colour.

Seed: The seeds are generally small and shiny black; it differs to those of grain types, which are yellowish white. The tiny round shape seeds are mostly pale in color, have up to 3000 seeds per gram.

Another Name For Amaranthus

English: Prickly Amaranth, Needle burr, Spiny amaranth, Thorny amaranth
Hindi: Kanta chaulai, Chaulai, lal sag
Gujarati: Kantalo dhimdo, Kantanu dant
Manipuri: Chengkruk
Marathi: Kante bhaji, kante math, Shavrani math
Tamil: Mullukkeerai
Malayalam: Kattumullenkeera
Telugu: Mullatotakura
Kannada: Mulluharive soppu
Bengali: Kantanotya
Oriya: Kantaneutia
Sanskrit: Tanduliuyah
Kashmiri: Bustan afroz, mawal
Punjabi: Taj khurus
Urdu: Gulkesh
Tamil: Punkirai
Telegu: Chilaka thotakoora

Uses Of Amaranthus Plant In Ayurveda

  • Digestible
  • Laxative
  • Diuretic
  • Stomachic
  • Antipyretic
  • Improves appetite
  • Biliousness
  • Blood diseases
  • Burning sensation
  • Leprosy
  • Bronchitis
  • Piles
  • Leucorrhoea

What is Amaranthus Extracted Used For?

  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Hematology
  • Immunomodulatory activity
  • Anthelmintic properties
  • Antidiabetic
  • Antihyperlipidemic
  • Spermatogenic
  • Immune-stimulating activity

Types of Amaranth Grown in India

Presently, Amaranth are recognized in three subgenera with around more than 70 species, although species numbers are doubtful, it is due to the hybridizing of species in different climate and areas.

1.Amaranth Vridis: It is the most common varieties that are found all over India it is also called “green amaranth” and “slender amaranth.”

2.Amaranth Paniculatus: This type of plant is also called “autumn palette,” it is due to its gorgeous colors of gold with rust and delicate orange.

3.Amaranth Caudatus: It is also known as “love lies bleeding” it is due to its red color flower that looks beautiful overhanging inflorescences.

4.Amaranth Tricolor: This type is named “tricolor leaves” as it has leaves that are red, yellows, and green’s colors.

5.Amaranth Hypochondriacus: It is also known as “Prince of Wales Feather” it is due to its decorative look. It has tall, thin, spiky

inflorescences. Mostly, this type of plant originates in Mexico, but it is found throughout the Himalayas region.

6.Amaranth Spinosus: This type of plant is also called “prickly amaranthus” and “spiky amaranthus” it is due to its small thorny bush on the stem.

7.Amaranth Cruentus: It is a green variety of plants that may sometimes appear in beautiful shades of cinnamon, purple, red, and ginger.


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