What does Ayurveda teach us

 05 Nov 2022  1688

What is the meaning of Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the world's oldest still-practicing medicinal system and an antiquated way of life. It is also regarded as an ancient wisdom of healing that lengthens life, dating back over 5000 years. Through a profound knowledge of creation and its upkeep, as observed and understood by the sadhus or seers of ancient India, it has developed from the yearning for a happy existence. Ayurveda places some additional focus on human life while emphasizing life in general.

The basic science behind Ayurveda

In addition to being a traditional style of medicine from India, Ayurvedic science is a naturopathic healthcare system that has stood the test of time and the assault of contemporary research and therapeutic approaches. Based on knowledge accumulated through time, the primary goal of ayurvedic science is to create perfect health by establishing a balance of perfect harmony between the human body and the surroundings it inhabits. Ayurveda is sometimes referred to be the science of a healthy and disease-free existence.

Body Types according to Ayurveda

Each of us has a special combination of three bodily principles that together make up our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, according to Ayurveda. These three fundamentals are referred to as doshas, and there are three of them: Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. However, each person has a distinct constitution that is often controlled by one or two of the doshas. It denotes that these doshas, or a combination of two doshas like Vata and Kapa, Kapa and Pitta, or Vata and Pitta, make up the majority of our Ayurvedic constitution.

Vata Dosha

The Vata dosha is well-recognized for controlling all mental and physical processes. The Vata dosha acts as a dominant force that reduces stress and encourages creativity in you by regulating everything from blood flow to the removal of waste and dangerous poisons to breathing and the flow of thoughts in the mind. When the Vata dosha is balanced, you will feel energized, enthusiastic, and vivacious. However, when it is out of balance, it causes a host of physical issues, including constipation, high blood pressure, weariness, digestive disorders, and restlessness.

Pitta Dosha

The pitta Dosha is in charge of metabolism, energy generation, and digestion. Transformation is Pitta's main purpose. Pitta-dominant individuals have a fiery disposition that shows in both their bodies and intellect. Pitta people have radiant skin, excellent digestion, lots of energy, and a voracious appetite.

Kapha Dosha

All physical and mental structures and lubrication are controlled by the Kapha dosha. It is the organizing principle that gives muscle, fat, bone, and sinews their shapes. It regulates the development of all seven tissues as well as the weight, growth, and lubrication of the joints and lungs. It promotes great stamina, but when it's out of balance, it may also lead to weight gain, excessive sleeping, and health issues including diabetes, asthma, and depression.


Treatments from Ayurveda can be beneficial when combined with regular, conventional medical care as a complementary therapy. Herbs, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics are examples of natural components used in complementary medicine. They are frequently advertised and easily accessible to consumers as dietary supplements.

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