11 Simple ways to detox according to Ayurvedic Experts

 27 Aug 2020  3350

In this article, we will talk about some easy detox treatments that you can incorporate into your daily routine. According to the Ayurvedic Experts, toxins are the root cause of any disease. A toxin is anything that enters the body and interferes with its natural state and creates an imbalance inside our body. To remain healthy and fit, one needs to remove these toxins from his/her body.


A healthy individual can eliminate toxins from his/her body with the help of a well-functioning digestive system. However, a weak individual needs various medical conditions for removing toxins.


An ayurvedic detox routine is completed in three phases.


  • Preparation
  • Cleansing
  • Post-cleansing


How to detoxify?


  1. Avoid the intake of foods that tend to create toxins. Some examples of these foods are frozen foods, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers-rich food, and packaged food.
  2. Make a habit of eating toxins reducing food. Include vegetarian foods, soups, dals, and organic vegetables in your daily diet.
  3. Drink plenty of hot water throughout the day to flush out the toxins through urine.
  4. It is essential to get proper sleep for detoxification. You must go to bed before 10 p.m. and wake up before 6 a.m.
  5. Do not skip your meals or fast during the detoxification process of your body.
  6. We all know that the digestion process is strongest when the sun is bright. Therefore, you must try to have your main meal at noon and lighter meals in the morning and night.
  7. Lubricate your digestive tract through internal oleation. Internal Oleation is a process of including healthy oils in the digestive tract to allow a smooth elimination of fat-soluble toxins.
  8. Give yourself a daily Ayurvedic self-massage. Regular massage detoxifies the body’s tissues and enhances blood circulation.
  9. Try to sweat out toxins. The increased sweat and heat in our body during exercise helps us to purify our body.
  10. You can also take hot baths to encourage the removal of toxins through your skin.
  11. Include six types of tastes in every meal. These tastes are:


  • Sweet
  • Salty
  • Pungent
  • Bitter
  • Astringent
  • Sour


By incorporating these six tastes, your body will get all the required nutrients, and it will decrease the cravings for unhealthy foods.


These are some ways that will help you to detoxify your body and increase the body’s capacity for renewal and self-regulation.

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