8 Tips for ADHD Meditation

 05 Jun 2021  1894

8 Tips for ADHD Meditation

Meditation may appear to be nothing more than sitting still. But meditation is an active process that trains the brain to focus and be present.

If you or your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the possibility of meditating may seem challenging.

That said, studies indicate that people with ADHD can meditate successfully, and that meditation may have benefits for some of the behaviors associated with ADHD.

Here are eight tips that may help you or your child learn to meditate effectively and manage ADHD-associated behaviors.

1. Dedicate a specific time of day to meditation

Some people find that meditating first thing in the morning can help reduce the day’s stress. Meditating early can also help you build it into your schedule before your daily activities begin.

If you’re a night owl or need help getting to sleep, meditating right before bed might be a better choice for you.

There’s no wrong time of day to meditate. Figuring out when you’ll be able to fit it into your routine is what matters most.

2. Find a comfortable position

There’s no one specific pose that enables meditation more readily than any other.

Some people like the traditional poses, such as the crossed-legged lotus position often associated with this practice. But you can just as easily choose to meditate sitting in your favorite chair or lying down in bed.

Whatever position you choose, make sure it is one that is comfy enough for you to maintain for the duration of your meditation practice.

3. Wear relaxed clothing

It may be harder to let your mind relax if the waistband of your pants is digging into your skin or your sweater itches.

The same thing goes for earrings that pull down on your ears or shoes that feel tight. Wear clothing that sits on the body and feels comfy to you.

4. Turn off your phone

Place yourself in a quiet location that is free from distractions, including alerts from electronic devices, such as text messages and incoming email.

If possible, close the door or go into a space where you can be alone for the entirety of your meditation.

5. Remember  that quiet is relative

Even if you live in a city on a busy street, it’s possible to meditate successfully. With practice, meditation will enable you to ignore noise by focusing on your breathing patterns.

If you choose, you can also tune out noise by meditating to soft music or using a guided meditation app.

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