Top 6 kiwi fruit plant Benefits

 28 Oct 2021  2255

Top 6 Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit


Kiwi fruit is not often considered a “superfood”, but in fact, it’s a fruit that is full of important vitamins and minerals and can have a very positive effect on your health also it is kiwi fruit is good for pregnancy. These brown fuzzy fruits have a sweet and slightly tangy taste with green flesh on the inside that lends a unique flavor and tropical zing.

Kiwi boasts a whole range of nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, folate, copper, potassium, antioxidants, vitamin E, and vitamin K. The skin and seeds are edible, though many people choose to peel it off because of its fuzzy texture. Kiwis are a tough-growing fruit and are readily available throughout the year in supermarkets. They are grown in California from November to May and in New Zealand from June to October. 

The fruit also comes in 50 different varieties with flesh ranging from custard-like gold to bright pink, each with a varying flavor profile and use. 



Nutritional Value Of Kiwi Fruit

You may have heard that the kiwi fruit plant is high in vitamin C, but besides that it has an incredible nutritional profile. This low calorie fruit (61 calories per 100g) can provide your RDA with many vital nutrients.

Here is the nutritional profile of 100g of raw kiwi fruit:

  • 61 calories

  • 0.5 g fat

  • 3 mg sodium

  • 15 g carbohydrates

  • 9 g sugar

  • 3g dietary fiber 

  • 1.1g protein

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is responsible for the growth and repair of body tissues as well as immune system support. In addition to vitamin C, kiwis contain a good amount of vitamin K. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that regulates blood clotting, metabolism, and blood calcium levels. Considering it’s a fruit, kiwi contains an impressive amount of vitamin K at 40mcg per 1 cup.

Copper is a nutrient that works with iron to form red blood cells, supports healthy bones, nerves, and immune function, and helps iron absorption. Copper is a prevalent nutrient in kiwis and provides 14% of your recommended daily intake. Kiwis also contain reasonable amounts of folate, potassium, and dietary fiber. 

Kiwi Fruit Health Benefits

Let’s get into why you should eat kiwi fruit and how it can impact your health:

1. Kiwi Prevents Blood Clotting

Kiwis were found to prevent blood clotting and manage blood pressure by reducing the amount of fat in the blood. It was found that this happened without negatively affecting blood cholesterol levels. Aspirin is usually the recommended drug to prevent those from cardiovascular events. However, Aspirin can cause inflammation and ulcers in the GI tract.  Studies show that consuming 2 to 3 kiwi fruits a day can replace a daily aspirin to help thin the blood and improve heart health over a period of time.And also it is kiwi fruit is good for pregnancy.

2. Kiwi Can Help Asthma

Asthma can be debilitating. Wheezing and breathlessness are some of the most common symptoms relating to this condition. The presence of high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants in kiwis can help control symptoms of asthma. A study demonstrated that lung function was improved in those who consumed kiwi regularly. 

3. Kiwi Improves Digestion

Kiwi contains a good amount of dietary fiber making it useful for improving digestion. Apart from the fiber content, kiwi also contains an enzyme, actinidin which can effectively break down proteins in the gut. After eating a large meal, it’s advised to eat a kiwi because it can help break down tough proteins from meat and fish that often can cause bloating. Kiwis also have a mild laxative effect that can help a slow digestive system as well as kiwi fruit is good for pregnancy

4. Helps Regulate Blood Pressure

Kiwis fruit plant can help reduce high blood pressure and prevent diseases such as heart attack and stroke. A study showed that those who ate 3 kiwis a day for 8 weeks had a reduction in their diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Kiwis contain an antioxidant, lutein that may be the cause of its blood pressure regulating ability. Vitamin C in kiwis can also contribute to a reduction in blood pressure. 

5. Supports Immune Function

Vitamin C is important for cellular function and protects cells from free radical damage in the body. It’s responsible for the growth and repair of tissues and provides support for the immune system. 

The high concentration of vitamin C in kiwis can do wonders for the immune system. At 103% of your recommended value of vitamin C per 1 cup, eating kiwis can effectively ward off infection, common cold, and flu when eaten regularly. 

6. Reduces DNA Damage

Oxidative stress is the imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body. This process can also cause strand breakage of DNA. This can lead to health problems, some of which can be hard to detect or treat. 

Kiwi fruit plant contains antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress. A study that tested people’s cells by damaging them with peroxide, showed that those who supplemented with kiwi showed an improved ability of the DNA to repair itself after applying the peroxide. This means that kiwi might help prevent long-term cancers and lifestyle diseases such as colon cancer, which is closely linked to DNA damage plus this kiwi fruit is good for pregnancy as well.

Kiwi and Weight Loss Benefits

Kiwis are among some of the best fruits to eat if you are looking to lose weight. They have a high water content, are low in calories, and have a good amount of fiber. This makes them perfect for a snack or as part of a breakfast smoothie. 

The high amount of vitamin C in kiwis is the key to weight reduction. Vitamin C helps control blood pressure, manages cholesterol levels, supports gut health, and supports immune function. It also plays an important role in metabolizing fats. These are all important factors when embarking on a weight loss journey.

Kiwis have a low GI, meaning the sugar contained in the fruit is released more slowly. Because of this, kiwis can also help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing uneven blood sugar spikes. Foods high in dietary fiber promote weight loss by increasing the feeling of being full and supporting the digestive tract.

Kiwi fruit plant contain both insoluble fiber and soluble fiber. The insoluble fiber (contained in the seeds) provides bulk and encourages the movement of stool through the digestive system. Soluble fiber is a gel-like substance that traps bile acid and as well as reduces blood cholesterol levels. 

Both of these types of fiber help digestive system health and prevent overeating when on a diet. 

Kiwis contain actinidin, an antioxidant that breaks down proteins in the body. This antioxidant is a great ally when dieting because it can help a sluggish digestive system. It helps digest proteins and can help those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.


Kiwi fruit plant are not only delicious to eat in fruit salads, smoothies, and as a snack, but they are also packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, and fiber. All of these nutrients are essential for our health and the optimal functioning of our bodies. Kiwis contain an extremely high amount of vitamin C when compared to an orange. Because of this, kiwis are effective for immune support, blood pressure regulation and they can even help diseases such as asthma and macular degeneration.

Kiwi also contains bromelain, a special enzyme that can fight inflammation and improve digestion in the body. Kiwi is low in calories, high in fiber, and contains protein digestive enzymes, and vitamin C, which means it can effectively promote weight loss. 

Eating 1 or 2 kiwis is a great idea if you want to improve your cardiovascular and digestive health also kiwi fruit is good for pregnancy. Incorporate kiwis into your diet through a daily smoothie or small snack and watch how it affects you in a positive way. 

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