Lower बैक Pain: Symptoms, Causes, and Exercises

 19 Oct 2021  3261

बैक pain Images

 Lower बैक pain is one of the most frequent reasons humans go to the physician or miss work, and it is the main reason for incapacity worldwide. Luckily, you can take action to stop or relieve most lower बैक pain episodes. If prohibition fails, an easy domestic cure and suitable physique mechanics regularly will cure your lower बैक pain within a few weeks and preserve it. Surgery is hardly ever wished to deal with it.

Symptoms of lower बैक pain

Symptoms can vary from slight discomfort to burning, shooting, or stabbing sensation in the lower बैक. Additionally, pain can increase or radiate down your legs especially with bending, lifting, standing, or even walking

Causes of lower बैक pain

Muscle or ligament strain – Poor sitting and standing posture, repeated heavy lifting with poor form, or sudden awkward movements can strain the lower बैक muscles and spinal ligaments. 

Bulging or ruptured disks – Disks act as cushions between the bones in the spine. The gentle material disk can bulge or rupture and press on a nerve causing pain.

Osteoporosis – spinal bones can develop minor fractures if they become porous and brittle, and can lead to chronic pain.

Osteoarthritis – Inflammation of the spinal bones and narrowing of the area around the spinal cord – called spinal stenosis – can lead to pain. 

Risk factors of lower बैक pain

Improper lifting बैक  pain

Anybody can have lower बैक pain, including children and teens. 

Age – Lower बैक pain is more frequent when you get older, starting from age 30 and above.

Smoking – smokers have a higher risk of developing lower बैक pain as smoking can decrease blood flow to the spinal area and increase the risk of osteoporosis. 

Improper Lifting – using your lower बैक rather than your legs to lift an object off the floor can lead to backache.

Lack of exercise – weak and unused muscles in the lower बैक and abdomen can lead to backache.

Diseases – Diseases such as autoimmune disorders, arthritis,  cancer, etc., can also cause lower बैक pain.

Prevention of Back pain

You can prevent, avoid or stop the recurrence of lower बैक pain by practicing suitable body mechanics and following some simple exercises. 

Core strengthening: Exercises that focus on strengthening the abdominal oblique muscles and the lower back muscles can dramatically improve the well-being of your lower बैक.

Aerobic exercise: Low or nonimpact aerobic exercises such as walking, recumbent cycling, and swimming can improve blood circulation and cardio endurance without stressing your lower बैक.

Losing or achieving ideal body weight: Being obese or overweight can stress your lower बैक muscles. Trim down to forestall backache. 

Give up smoking-  Smoking increases the risk and recurrence of lower बैक pain.  So cut down or stop smoking. 

6 बैक pain Exercises to keep you Healthy

#1 Knee to chest

Knee to chest बैक  execrise

  • Lie on your बैक with knees bent and feet placed flat on the floor

  • Using both hands, grab the right leg by clasping your fingers around the knee.

  • Gently pull the right knee towards the chest until you feel a mild stretch in your glutes and lower बैक.

  • Hold the position for 20-30 seconds and slowly return to the starting position

  • Repeat the stretch on the left leg.

  • Do it 2-3 times on each side.

#2 Seated forward bend

seated forward for बैक  pain

Tight hamstrings- the muscles at the बैक of your things- are a frequent contributor to lower बैक pain.

The seated forward bend lengthens the hamstring muscles to relieve the tightness and ease the lower बैक pain.

  • Sit on the floor with legs stretched out and feet together

  • Hook a band, rope, or towel around the feet and hold the ends with your hands.

  • Gently bend forward from the hips, and try to bring your stomach towards the thighs until you feel a mild stretch in your hamstrings and lower बैक.

  • Hold the position for 20- 30 seconds. Relax by returning to the starting position

  • Repeat the stretch 2-3 times

#3 Lying hip rotation

lying hip rotation for बैक pain

The lying hip rotation helps to stretch your lower बैक, and abdominal oblique muscles, which can increase the space between the spinal bones to relieve stress.

  • Lie down on your बैक with knees bent at 90 degrees and feet off the floor.

  • Extend the arms wide and place the palms of your hands firmly on the floor.

  • Gently roll the knees towards one side until you feel a mild stretch in your lower बैक. Hold the position for 15-20 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the stretch on the other side.

  • Do 3-4 times on each side.

#4 Supported bridge 

supported bridge for बैक pain

This exercise helps to decompress your lower बैक via supported elevation. Use a foam roller cushion or rolled-up towel to do this exercise

  • Lie down on your बैक with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  • Lift your hips off the floor and place a foam roller cushion or rolled-up towel below your lower बैक.

  • Hold for 20-30 seconds. You can do this 3-4 times a day

If you want to increase the stretch in your lower बैक extend one or both legs from their bent position.

#5 Lying Pelvic tilts

lying exercise for बैक

The pelvic tilt is an easy but very effective exercise to release the tight lower बैक muscles and increase the flexibility

  • Lie down on your बैक with knees bent, and feet flat on the floor.

  • Gently arch your lower बैक and push the belly out.

  • Hold this position for 8-10 seconds, and relax.

  • Now push your belly down by rounding the spine and press the lower बैक to the floor

  • Hold this position for 8-10 seconds, and relax.

  • Do this for 3-4 repetitions.

#6 Cat-cow exercise

cat cow exercise for बैक streching

The cat-camel is a useful exercise to help increase flexibility and ease the stress on your lower बैक. 

  • Get in a quadruped position with your hands and knees placed on the floor.

  • Arch your बैक by pulling the belly up towards the spine, and letting your head dropdown. This is the cat portion of the exercise.

  • Hold this position for 8-10 seconds. You should feel a gentle stretch in your lower बैक.

  • Relax and return to the starting position.

  • Now drop your belly down by curving the lower बैक and raising your head up. This is the cow portion of the exercise.

  • Hold this position for 8-10 seconds. You should feel a mild tightness in your lower बैक

  • Relax and return to starting position

  • Do this for 3-4 Repetitions.

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