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Avoid Irregular Periods with These 10 Effective Foods

 15 Jul 2021  2141

Avoid Irregular Periods with These 10 Effective Foods

 Eating the right food can help deal with several health concerns. The same applies to irregular periods. The length of time between each period is similar, between 24-32 days. However, for some women, the time between periods and the amount of blood shed vary considerably. This is known as irregular menstruation. The main symptom of irregular periods is when the cycle is longer than 35 days, or if it varies in length. 

In addition to this, generally, periods occur for 3 to 7 days. So if your periods last longer than seven days, your periods are irregular. 

It generally happens due to imbalanced estrogen levels, improper blood flow in the pelvic area, and other reasons that are discussed and elaborated further. Basically, young girls undergoing puberty and women in the perimenopause phase face menstrual irregularity. However, there are exceptions too, and it can happen with any woman at any age. 

Some herbs and foods regularise the menstrual cycle and give you relief from menstrual cramps. 

We have listed 10 foods for regular periods with the right mixture of nutrients and proper diet. 

Causes of Irregular Periods 

1 Obesity:

Obesity can be a big reason for irregular periods. Gaining excess weight may cause hormonal dis-balance and disturb insulin levels. This hormonal imbalance can lead to other hormonal disorders like hypothyroidism and PCOS. 

2 Excessive Weight Loss:

It happens when you do not take sufficient calories and try to lose weight. Insufficient calorie intake may restrict regular periods. It adversely impacts the production of hormones essential for ovulation. 

3 Endometriosis:

It is when the tissues that should grow inside the line of your uterus abnormally grow outside the uterus. It causes heavy bleeding, painful bowel movements, pain during and after sex, infertility, heavy bleeding between periods, or menstrual cramps. It also leads to irregular periods. 

4 Uterine Fibroids:

When muscular tumors develop in the uterus walls, it is called fibroids. It may be either cancerous or benign. It causes pain in the lower back, legs, pelvis, or pain during sex as well as irregular period cycle. 

5 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:

PCOS is a serious health condition and a significant cause of irregular periods. It is an endocrine system disorder. When a woman produces excess androgen – the male hormones, it restricts egg development leading to cysts in ovaries and results in irregular periods.  

6 Perimenopause:

When you are about to get menopause, it is called perimenopause. It occurs during the 40s or even early. It causes fluctuations in estrogen that affects the regularity of periods. 

7 Prolactin:

When you are breastfeeding, your reproductive hormones get suppressed due to the prolactin hormones. When you witness higher production of prolactin, it interferes with estrogen and progesterone production. It further results in little or absent periods.

8 Birth Control Pills:

Irregularity between periods may also happen due to taking birth control pills. Not every birth control pill is safe for every woman. Always consult a doctor before taking a birth control pill. 

9 Thyroid:

Thyroid causes obesity or increased thyroid hormones which causes shorter and lighter periods. While on the other hand, underactive or low levels of thyroid hormones can be a reason for heavier periods with increased cramping and abdominal pain. 

10 Heavy Exercise:

Excessive workout or exercise disturbs the proper functioning of hormones that are responsible for menstruation. We can often find female athletes or women going through intensive physical activities, suffering from the absence of periods. It can lead to menstrual irregularities as well.

11 Cancer:

Bleeding between periods, during or after intercourse, or any unusual discharge can also be the warning signs of Cervical and endometrial cancer. This cancer can also disrupt the normal flow of periods or disturb your menstrual cycle. 

12 Medications:

Proper medications can indeed cure your period-related issues, but you should always be careful in case they are also affecting your menstrual cycle. Medicines that are related to blood thinners, thyroid, depression, chemotherapy, epilepsy, and hormone replacement therapy can cause irregularities in menstruation.   

13 Mental Pressure:

Mental pressure and stress can be another big reason to disturb your period cycle. Some hormones in the brain regularise the menstrual cycle. Researches have shown that stress can restrict the proper functioning of those hormones and generate problems for regular periods. 

10 Foods That Will Help Regularise Periods 

1 Parsley

Parsley is a famous herb for the proper regulation of blood in the pelvic area. It may look similar to coriander, and we often use it for garnishing the food. But the compounds like myristicin and apiole in parsley help in the proper production of estrogen. You can enjoy parsley tea or boiled parsley water to overcome menstrual irregularity. 

2 Cinnamon

Cinnamon stimulates the flow of blood in your pelvis and generates the required level of estrogen. It provides quick relief from menstrual pain and cramps. So apart from enjoying the cinnamon flavour in various dishes, you can also use it for problems related to irregular periods. To get the maximum benefits, you should have cinnamon mixed well with a glass of milk. 

3 Pineapple 

Pineapple is full of bromelain enzymes and is one of the best foods for regular periods. It results in softening the uterus. It is not only confined to the uterus, but it improves the blood flow by generating red and white blood cells. Other than this, it also reduces the chances of blood clots and swelling during periods. All these prove pineapple is indeed efficient for overcoming menstrual irregularities. 

4 Carom seeds

If you are suffering from irregular periods or menstrual pain, you should drink a glass of boiled water with carom seeds. Carom seeds have antispasmodic qualities that work excellently to relieve menstrual irregularities. Moreover, they work impressively in stimulating the uterus.

5 Papaya

The high amount of carotene contained in papaya normalizes the cycle of menstruation, making it one of the best foods for regular periods. It properly stimulates and regulates estrogen levels in the body. The regular habit of eating papaya helps in the proper functioning of your uterus. Thus, you can get relief from menstrual pain as well as irregular periods. Always remember to avoid papaya during pregnancy. 

6 Ginger

Vitamin C and magnesium content in ginger make it great to get relief from irregular periods. If you add jaggery to your ginger tea, you can expect a better result for healing irregular menstrual cycles. It helps in the natural production of estrogen in the body and normalizing the regularity of your periods.

7 Turmeric

Turmeric channelises the smooth flow of blood to your uterus. It gives a kickstart to your periods and prevents inflammation during periods. You can regulate your periods naturally by adding turmeric and honey into warm milk. 

8 Coffee

Caffeine in coffee is a natural medicine for patients suffering from irregular periods and abnormal menstrual pain. It regulates the estrogen level, improves the blood flow in your pelvic area, and restricts the narrowing of blood vessels during the period. 

9 Beetroots

Beetroot is a rich source of iron, folic acid, and calcium, putting it in the top categories of the best foods for regular periods. It may not necessarily only remove the irregularity in periods, but it can relieve the bloating during periods.  Besides, beetroot is also an emmenagogue that reduces the problem of water retention in your body. 

10 Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey 

Apple Cider Vinegar can help in balancing hormones in your body. It reduces excess weight and unnecessary belly fat. It can also reduce the symptoms of PCOS, which is one of the prime reasons for irregular periods. Have a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar to get rid of menstrual irregularities. Honey neutralises the bitter taste and helps you to get the maximum benefits of Apple cider Vinegar. 


Irregular periods are when you notice missed, delayed, unnatural bleeding patterns or inconsistency in menstruation. If you get periods irregularly now and then and going out of schedule, then it is a matter of concern. You can maintain the balance in your periods by adding the right foods for regular periods to your diet and consuming the appropriate nutrients we have mentioned here.

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