> Ayurvedic view on coffee

Ayurvedic view on coffee

 27 Sep 2022  1655

Ayurvedic view on coffee

Every meal has a different impact on one's body and psyche. Every meal is characterized in Ayurveda in terms of its flavor, vitality, aftertaste, and unique effects. And each food's characteristic is discussed regarding how it will affect a person's Ayurvedic mind-body type (dosha). That provides a clear explanation of how ayurvedic nutrition operates.

What is the coffee gene?

There is, in fact, a coffee gene, according to recent studies. It is more challenging for you to handle coffee if this gene is expressed more strongly in your body. You will consume less coffee as a result since you will feel more uncomfortable after consuming it. You will digest caffeine more readily and likely consume more of it if the gene is less expressed in you.

How does it affect you?

Tense And Shaky

After consuming coffee, you are easily agitated and anxious (excess Vata). You have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep all night if you drink coffee in the afternoon (excess Vata). After consuming it, you can get elevated blood pressure or heart palpitations (excess Pita). When you consume it, it could result in heartburn and/or diarrhea (excess Pita). Coffee is metabolized slowly by you.

Better Kick

Coffee goes well with meals. You'll probably experience the aforementioned effects if you drink coffee on an empty stomach, but not if you drink it with meals! You'll probably get the morning or afternoon boost you need from a cup of coffee. You generally digest coffee. As it is with Water Like water, coffee is ingested. You can drink as much coffee as you want without feeling queasy. You may have it at night and yet have no trouble dozing off. It positively improves digestion. You readily digest coffee.

As it is with Water Like water

coffee is ingested. You can drink as much coffee as you want without feeling queasy. You may have it at night and yet have no trouble dozing off. It positively improves digestion. You readily digest coffee.

How your Ayurvedic body type goes with coffee:

The Ayurvedic principles of the coffee state that it reduces Kapha and increases Pitta and Vata. This implies that while you may enjoy coffee (or its benefits) if Vata or Pitta is your dominant doshas, consuming coffee may throw your doshas out of equilibrium.

On Vata Body Type

Caffeine elevates Vata. Constipation, anxiety, sleeplessness, and other symptoms related to an excess of the Vata dosha will occur or get worse.

On Kapha Body Type

Coffee may benefit Kapha-dominant individuals! Coffee is drying and a stimulant. Lethargy, depression, and low blood pressure will be lessened; these are Kapha-sensitive symptoms. You'll have greater energy after drinking coffee, and it could also improve digestion.

On Pitta Body Type

A cup of coffee boosts Pitta Dosha. Heartburn, hyperacidity (stomach aches), ulcer, irritation, elevated blood pressure, heart palpitations, and diarrhea are all indications of excess Pitta. It could be wise to avoid caffeine for a few days if you have any of these symptoms, or perhaps all of them.


Many of us keep our coffee boiling on a clock so that we wake up and swoosh down a coffee cup first thing. This is a major factor in why coffee continues to get bad ratings. Coffee shouldn't be consumed on an empty stomach since it might cause excess acid, which can lead to jitters, irritation, and even stomach ulcers!


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