Best Ayurvedic Medicine For High Blood Pressure

 08 May 2021  2020

Best Ayurvedic Medicine For High Blood Pressure

 What Is High Blood Pressure? Hypertension or so-called Rakta Vata in Ayurveda, high blood pressure is a disturbance described by more than general pressure at which the blood is being pumped by the heart.

The main role for the heart is to pump blood into the blood vessels and to take in the blood that comes back to it, after having finished a lap of the whole body within fifteen seconds. With each beat from the heart, the blood is pumped out to the different organs through the arteries.W hen there is a disturbance of the arteries such as arterial sclerosis (hardening of the arteries or deposition) then the ailment blood pressure is resulted.

In this, the arteries are unable to contain the amount of blood, which is a necessity for a normal performance of its circulation throughout the body.

As a result, the heart is strained and works extra time to supply the required amount of blood. In that process, it pumps with greater vigor that causes a ‘high’ pressure on the blood is caused, which is called a “high blood pressure…”.

Causes Of High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the range of the force of blood pushing resisting blood vessel walls. The heart pump’s blood into the arteries that carry the blood throughout the body.

High blood pressure, also named as hypertension, is risky because it makes the heart work stronger to pump blood to the body and puts up to harden of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, and may develop of heart failure.

The reasons of high blood pressure may vary. Causes may include narrowing of the arteries, a bigger than normal volume of blood, or the heart beating quicker or more forcefully than it be supposed to.

Any of these circumstances will cause increased pressure against the artery walls. High blood pressure might also be given rise to by different medical problems. Although high blood pressure usually cannot be restored, in most cases, it can be prevented and controlled.

High Blood Pressure : Ayurvedic View

According to Ayurveda, High blood pressure is familiar as Rakta Gata vata. However, high blood pressure is a result of vitiation of vayu.

It can be resulted in due to vitiation of any of the three doshas, the contribution of the vata Dosha is reliable for the circulation of blood.

The following is the principal speeding factors for persons with distinct doshas:

  1. Pitta type of Hypertension: This gives rise to by negative emotions such as hate, envy and intensity for revenge.
  2. Vata type of Hypertension: This give rise to by immoderate emotions such as distress, fear and tension.
  3. Kapha type of Hypertension: This is given rise to by troubles with the digestive structure.

Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurveda advises appropriate changes in the diet of a person with high blood pressure so that the errant doshas can be rebalanced.

This contains remaining away from irritants and drinking that essentials can help the body in obtaining a state of stability.

  1. The diet must include vegetables such as parsley, bitter gourd, drumsticks and garlic. Fruits perfect for a high blood pressure lowering diet are grapes, bananas, watermelons, and guavas.
  2. Red meat and eggs should be complete no when one is trying to balance the doshas and lower the range of high blood pressure strikes.
  3. Reduce the intake of caffeine, that is actively found in items such as coffee. Caffeine further aggravates the system, and it also reasons the blood pressure to shoot up.
  4. Dairy farm products such as cottage cheese, butter (clarified milk) and milk is good appendages to an ayurvedic diet that is advantageous for the healing of high Blood Pressure.
  5. The consumption of salt in the diet has to be decreased along with a decrease in the amount of cereals and pulses that one eats.

Herbs For High Blood Pressure

The Ayurvedic script of treatment for high blood pressure is designed at recognizing the root cause of the defect and then managing herbs that can eliminate the problem from its roots.

For this to take place, it is compulsory that digestion is bettered and the digestive fire is fortified. Secondly, the toxins that have got already gathered in the heart channels have to be removed by mind enjoyment techniques

This technique, include meditation, yoga, pranayama and various herbal medicine. Below are some of the herbs that are advised to ensure that the mind remain calm and blood pressure remains stable.

1.Arjuna (अर्जुन)

Arjuna, or so-called Terminalia arjuna, is a tall tree with yellow-green blooms found throughout western India. Herb’s doctors use the powdered bark as a heart tonic and to deal with high blood pressure, heart failure, high cholesterol and angina pectoris.

The bark contains flavonoids, diuretic, anti - inflammatory, glycosides, tannins, and has antioxidant ,it is hypotensive and cardiotonic actions.

Researchers found that if arjuna taken for continuously eight weeks, can significantly lower blood pressure in human. You can take arjuna as extracts, capsules or tinctures. Do not combine arjuna with another heart or blood pressure medicines.

2.Garlic (लहसुन)

Garlic is a well-known herb in Ayurveda it contains allicin, a content which has antibacterial, antioxidant, lipid lowering and anti-hypertension properties.

In a study made on if garlic could lower blood pressure, patients with extreme high blood pressure were given a garlic compound containing 1.3 % allicin.

The blood pressure fell with a relevant decrease in diastolic blood pressure in only five to 14 hours after the dose. Moreover, it was verified in a 2009 study that fresh garlic has more intoxicating cardio-protective properties than treated garlic.

3.Cardamom (इलायची)

In one, a study printed in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry, The persons with newly diagnosed with primary hypertension were supervised by a dose of 3g of cardamom powder.

After the end of the three months, all the persons experienced feelings of well-being without any side effects. Furthermore, the study showed that blood pressure was efficiently reduced

It also enhanced the antioxidant level while breaking down blood clots without significantly changing blood lipids and fibrinogen levels.

4.Onions (प्याज़)

Onions contain quercetin an antioxidant flavonol built to prevent heart complaint and stroke. In a research, the study on various people with hypertension experienced a lower in their blood pressure by 7mmHg systolic and five mmHg diastolic contrary to those who were taking other medicines.

5.Cinnamon (दालचीनी)

Cinnamon not only prevents heart disease. It can as well prevent diabetes. The study conducted on people with high blood pressure, were given a 250mg of water soluble cinnamon daily while the other half was given other medicines. It was found that those who drank cinnamon had a 14 to 23 percent gain in antioxidants related with lowering blood sugar levels.

6.Gotu kola (ब्राह्मी)

Gotu kola, or Centella asiatica, is a crawling perennial found allover India. Ayurvedic practitioners use the whole plant as an adaptogen, and to deal with hypertension, poor memory, anxiety and skin complaints. Gotu kola is rich in saponins, such as asiaticoside, brahmoside and indocentelloside.

Saponins fortify veins and capillaries, which can cause to certain types of hypertension if they become enlarged. In a study on patients with hypertension who were treated with gotu kola extract had significant improvement compared to other drugs.

Do not use this herb for more than six weeks, or if you have got liver problems or a history of precancerous or cancerous skin injuries. Decrease the dose if you experience light headedness, nausea, pain in the head or stomach ache.

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