How To Lower Blood Pressure Instantly?

 09 Mar 2021  1957

How To Lower Blood Pressure Instantly?

Herbal remedies are not a first-line treatment for high blood pressure. However, its moderate consumption can serve as an adjuvant. What are the options?

To reduce blood pressure it is important to make lifestyle changes and improve eating habits. In fact, in some cases, the doctor prescribes certain medications in order to avoid complications. Are there herbs that help improve it?

Well, in popular literature Ayurveda has an answer to it, there are several herbal remedies that seem to serve as adjuvants in case of high blood pressure. However, they are not a substitute for medical treatment after some stage of ailment and should be used with caution. In this article, we tell you more about it.

Well, in popular literature Ayurveda has an answer to it, there are several herbal remedies that seem to serve as adjuvants in case of high blood pressure. However, they are not a substitute for medical treatment after some stage of ailment and should be used with caution. In this article, we tell you more about it.

How to lower blood pressure

Blood pressure or hypertension problems have become one of the cardiovascular disorders that is putting the lives of millions of people around the world at risk.

It can be caused by age or other pathologies; based on this, it is said to be primary or secondary, respectively. Consequently, the heart muscle is weakened and, in turn, the health of organs such as the kidneys, pancreas, and brain is compromised.

Also, when not controlled in a timely manner, it increases the chance of heart attacks , strokes, and other serious disorders that affect the quality of life. Due to this, it is essential to improve life habits and resort to remedies whose properties facilitate their control.

  • Reduce excess body weight and waist.
  • Get regular physical activity.
  • Maintain a healthy diet, such as the DASH diet.
  • Limit sodium intake in the diet.
  • Limit alcohol intake.
  • Give up smoking.
  • Reduce caffeine intake.
  • Give good stress management.
  • Seek medical advice.

This last recommendation is important since the doctor has the power to establish precisely how the blood pressure levels are and if the administration of drugs is necessary. Although many cases can be treated with non-pharmacological solutions, some do require medications .

Considering this, it is essential to keep in mind that natural remedies can support the control of this problem, but they do not replace the measures suggested by the professional. In fact, before taking them as a supplement, it is best to consult it.

Herbs to lower blood pressure

As detailed in a publication in the medical journal Pharmacognosy Reviews, there are several natural herbs that have beneficial properties against blood pressure uncontrollability. Many have even served as adjuvants in the treatment of blood pressure.

However, these types of options are not exempt from causing side effects, especially when consumed excessively, without medical supervision. For this reason, it is essential to inform yourself about those cases in which their use is not recommended and, above all, to use them in a moderate way.

Whenever possible, a doctor should be consulted, as they often have interactions with prescription drugs. If there are no drawbacks, its consumption can be useful to lower the pressure to stable levels.

Of course, you must make sure to complement its consumption with other healthy lifestyle habits, especially in terms of diet and physical exercise. All of this, taken together, helps reduce the risks of high blood pressure.

1. Oregano

Oregano has an active ingredient known as carvacrol that, after being assimilated, could help lower high blood pressure . A study published in the journal Planta Medica agrees on these benefits. However, there is still no solid evidence to verify these effects in humans.

In any case, it is a spice that contains potassium, which also helps control high blood pressure. Although in most healthy adults its consumption is not a problem, it should be avoided in case of pregnancy and lactation.

The moderate consumption of oregano can contribute to a stable blood pressure. Of course, it must be included in the framework of a healthy diet.

How to use?

  • Due to its exquisite flavor, it is ideal for seasoning meats, stews, soups and other recipes.
  • You can prepare it in infusion or, adding it to your smoothies.

2. Valerian

It Hindi it is as Chahar, Asarun, Shami, Tagger, etc, As detailed in a study published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Valerian is an herb with sedative and anti-inflammatory properties. Its natural active ingredients help to control tension caused by stress, which can help restore the heart rhythm.

On the other hand, it is a natural tranquilizer that can reduce muscle pain, depression, and insomnia. Furthermore, according to this same research, it could also have beneficial effects on the regulation of blood lipids and blood pressure.

How to use it?

  • Consume up to 10 drops of Valerian extract daily.
  • Prepare the infusion of the plant and take it an hour before going to sleep.

3. Lavender

Although there is no evidence to support this fact, there are those who say that a body massage with lavender essential oil can help lower high blood pressure.

In addition, as detailed in a publication in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, these types of therapeutic options may be useful to improve the quality of life in patients with hypertension.

A massage with lavender essential oil is believed to help regulate blood pressure.

How to use it?

  • Acquire lavender oil, combine 8 or 10 drops with a carrier oil (olive or coconut) and massage the entire body, 2 or 3 times a week.

4. Horsetail

A large number of cases of hypertension are directly related to fluid retention. This disorder, known as edema, affects the flow of blood through the arteries and overloads the heart.

According to information published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, horsetail is a diuretic herb. Due to this effect, it is believed that, after ingestion, it stimulates the elimination of liquids to facilitate the relief of this disorder.

How to use it?

  • Prepare an infusion of dried horsetail and consume it 2 or 3 times a day. Repeat the remedy at least 3 times a week.

5. Dandelion

Through the research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, the diuretic properties of dandelion are highlighted. Considering this property, it is believed that it can also support the regulation of blood pressure. However, it is best to use it sparingly, on time.

Ingesting a dandelion infusion can help regulate blood pressure in specific cases. It is important to take it in a moderate way.

How to use it?

  • Drink 2 cups of dandelion tea each day.
    Use the infusion of the plant to prepare juices or smoothies.

6. Passionflower

Passionflower is a natural ingredient that has been used for decades as a supplement for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and stress, as detailed in research published in Phytomedicine.

Its sedative properties help relax the body and mind, while significantly reducing cortisol production. Anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory properties have been attributed to it in different studies, which, in patients with high blood pressure, may be beneficial.

How to use it?

  • Prepare a cup of passionflower infusion and consume it in times of stress and anxiety . Keep in mind that, since it has sleeping pills, the ideal is to take it at night.

Are you worried about having high blood pressure?

As a first step, see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Also, tell her of your intention to try these herbal supplements. If there are no drawbacks, these plants could be a good adjuvant to regulate blood pressure.


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