> What is mouth cancer? How can it be healed with the help of Ayurveda?

What is mouth cancer? How can it be healed with the help of Ayurveda?

 15 Nov 2022  2639

What is mouth cancer? How can it be healed with the help of Ayurveda?

What is Mouth Cancer?

Unchecked cell proliferation in the mouth damages the tissues surrounding the mouth and results in mouth cancer. Any area of the mouth can develop malignancies from these unregulated cells. Because it can begin anywhere, including the lips, palate, top and bottom jaw, mouth, gums, the lower portion of the tongue, and the inner region of the cheeks, or the buckle area, mouth cancer is sometimes referred to as oral cancer.

Mouth Cancer Symptoms

• an area of the mouth that is white or red

• bleeding, excruciating discomfort, or total paralysis in the mouth

Neem has a wide range of health advantages. Neem's anticancer capabilities have been thoroughly investigated recently, and all of them claim that neem does have the capacity to modify the tumor ambiance It decreases the multiplication of tumor cells and boosts the host monocytes' capacity for cytotoxicity. It is undeniably demonstrated that neem can treat and prevent oral cancer.

• excessive, non-sealing mouth ulcers

• an unhealed mouth sore or lip sore

• expanding mass in the mouth

• Jaw ache or discomfort in the mouth

• Losing teeth without an obvious cause

• Having trouble swallowing

• ear discomfort

• unsatisfactory dentures

• Having a throat infection or feeling like something gets stuck in your throat all the time

• difficulty moving the tongue or jaw, having trouble chewing and swallowing

Factors at Risk for Mouth Cancer

It is well known that smoke, alcohol, poor diet, infections, and inactivity account for almost 43% of cancer deaths worldwide. With that a person's chances of developing mouth cancer are increased over time by a variety of factors.

• excessive usage of tobacco of any type, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes,

• smokes, tobacco chewing, and tobacco snuffing

• excessive alcohol consumption; all types of booze

• Lips are exposed to light without need.

• A weaker immune system increases the risk of developing mouth cancer.

• Additionally, it can be spread sexually through the human papillomavirus virus (HPV)

How Can Ayurveda Aid in Mouth Cancer Treatment?


The typical course of treatment for oral cancer is surgery, followed by radiation therapy, much like other tumors. All patients undergoing radiation therapy must contend with a variety of adverse consequences. However, the most recent Ayurvedic discovery may provide some comfort to those dealing with cancer. For patients receiving radiation treatment for oral cancer. This mouthwash is intended to assist ease the excruciating agony that patients endure the following treatment. In Ayuverdic writings, every plant used to make the herbal mouthwash is well-documented for having analgesic as well as mucolytic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Other significant Ayurvedic therapies for mouth cancer also include:

1. Spirulina

Cyanobacterial biomass known as spirulina is edible to humans. Due to its high iron content, 60–70% protein content, and immune-boosting properties, it is frequently recommended by ayurvedic practitioners’ greatest source of vitamin B-12.

2. Green tea

For many ages, green tea has indeed been eaten excessively all over the world. Although green tea has many health advantages, the anti-cancer properties of its ingredients have only lately been made public by relevant medical professionals. Green tea polyphenols have been found to trigger apoptosis (programmed cell death) in such a variety of tumour cell types, including oral cancer cells. As a result, frequent green tea consumption has been shown to be advantageous and useful in the prevention of mouth cancer.

3. Neem

Neem has a wide range of health advantages. Neem's anticancer capabilities have been thoroughly investigated recently, and all of them claim that neem does have the capacity to modify the tumor ambiance It decreases the multiplication of tumor cells and boosts the host monocytes' capacity for cytotoxicity. It is undeniably demonstrated that neem can treat and prevent oral cancer.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is claimed to be used to extract curcumin, a yellow phenolic pigment. The anti-carcinogenic and related qualities of turmeric, such as its therapeutic efficacy, are well known. Reducing EGFR activity in a few cancer cells has been shown to have an anticancer effect in the oral cavity, which inhibits growth, increase, invasion, and metastasis.

5. Grapeseed

It has been observed that grape seeds have shown to be quite effective in killing off radical cells. These cells harm the mouth's active cells, which ultimately leads to oral cancer The grapes' vitamin C, E, & beta-carotene content contributes to the immune system's strength. Oral patients are advised by doctors to consume grapefruit.
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