What Is The Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Acidity?

 16 Mar 2021  1665

Everyone might have experienced an awkward feeling, after a couple of minutes or hour of eating the burning desire in your chest or throat. It is a condition, which is generally known as Acid reflux.It is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter doesn’t close properly, and stomach contents leak back into the esophagus. This is known as reflux in medical terms.

What is acid reflux?

Acid reflux ailment is also known as heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease); it is caused when stomach acid refluxed back to an esophagus from the stomach. When the food we ate reaches to stomach the stomach generates hydrochloric acid to aid in the digestion of food.

Our stomach has an inner lining that resists to this corrosion caused by this acid. During the digestion process, the cells’ lining of the stomach releases large amounts of protective mucus. Besides this, the lining of the esophagus does not have these resistant features, as a result, stomach acidic damage it. Health Reactive.

As an esophagus lies just behind the heart, the sensation of acid burning in the esophagus is observed, which give the feeling like heart burning so it is also a term as “heartburn.”

Ayurvedic view

According to the theory of Ayurveda Agni (digestive fire) is believed to be the main protector of the body where else the ama (toxic) is the main cause for the disease. In Ayurveda medical terms “acidity” a condition in which there is an additional secretion of acid within the stomach which is recognized as “Amalapitta”.

As Pitta touches too much of Amlata (acidic nature) due to consumption of causative factors, which induces aggravate of Pitta. The principal cause of indiscretion is consuming food that combines its quality, quantity, and timing, which lead to three types of doshic imbalance.

Three Main Basic Doshic Imbalances

  1. It is caused due to the intervention of vata.
  2. It is caused due to kapha. (Body Revival)
  3. It is associated with the involvement of both.

Causes of Acidity

  • More intake of chocolate, tea, coffee, garlic, onions
  • Excessive intake of pungent and sour food items
  • Drinking too many alcoholic beverages
  • Negative emotion leads to gastric hyperacidity
  • Spending more time under the sun or heat
  • More secretion of Hydrochloric Acid(HCL)
  • Showing more anger, fear, worry
  • Items like sweets, fermented foods
  • Fried, spicy and fatty foods
  • Stress, anxiety, and tension
  • The habit of skipping breakfast
  • Excessive smoking
  • Weakness of valves
  • Drugs like aspirin
  • Irregular food habit
  • Reflux of gastric acid
  • Digestion problem
  • Gastric ulcer
  • Pregnancy
  • Hot food items
  • Obesity
  • Aging

Ayurvedic Treatment For Body Type Acidity

  1. Vata Type: In this, remedies such as asafoetida and cloves are best. Ayurvedic preparations such as Pachakshara choorna, Narayana choorna are advised.
  2. Pitta Type: In this, one must start with Amalaki to reduce the hyperacidity of the stomach. As the medication, Shatavari tablet is advised for two weeks. Health reactive
  3. Kapha Type: In this, fasting can be the best treatment to improve the digestive fire. Ayurvedic preparation such as Shankha vati and Jeerakadyarishta is advised for three weeks.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Acid Reflux or Heartburn

The following Ayurvedic medicines are beneficial in treating acid reflux or heartburn:

  • Pravala panchamrita
  • Guduchi
  • Yashtimadhu
  • Katuki
  • Amalaki
  • Triphala churna
  • Avipattikar churna
  • Mahatiktam kashayam
  • Kamadugha rasa
  • Narikel lavann
  • Sukumara Ghrita
  • Dhaatri lauha

Herbs And Spices For Acid Reflux

Using herbs for acid reflux can be the best idea as it has least side effects unlike other medicines, which might have side effects, may even lead to weight gain. Today there are many antacids available in the market but only provide you with a temporal solution with no guarantee that reflux will go away. Below are some of the herbs that can be used for acid reflux that include. Body Revival

1. Tulsi leaves

In India, Tulsi is also known as ‘holy basil’ it is the most widely known herb for common household uses in the Indian sub-continent. It is so because of its multiple medicinal properties, which can be used in various ailments. In Ayurveda, it is known as a kind of “elixir of life,” an element that promotes longevity.

Besides this, Tulsi has an element that helps to stimulate the stomach to produce more mucus. This mucus will help to reduce the effect of gastric acids in the digestive tract and prevent it from ulcers.

How to use it: Whenever you experience acidity chew five to six tulsi leaves it is a great way to beat this discomfort.



Ginger is another spice that is widely in Ayurveda it is believed to be an entire medicine chest in itself. According to Ayurveda sutra (verse), everyone should eat a piece of fresh ginger just before lunch or dinner to boost digestion.

It not only rectifies the digestive fire but also stimulates appetite by increasing absorption. It helps in the transportation of nutrients to be fired at body tissues and clears the microcirculatory channels of the body. Body Revival.

How to use it: Whenever you experience acidity chew a small piece of ginger. If the taste is too pungent to you take a small piece of ginger, boiling it in water and drink the decoction. The other way is crush ginger, mix it with Jaggery and keep sucking it will allow the juice to reach slowly the stomach.



Cumin or jeera is spice widely used and is popularly known in India it has a long history of usage about 5,000 years old. It has properties that prompt the formation of saliva, which helps in improve digestion, rectifies metabolism and relieves gas and other gastric troubles.

Generally, Cumin is the first ingredient used in Indian cooking; it is a wonderful source of manganese, iron vitamins and minerals. According to Ayurveda text, cumin is believed to nature’s one of the best overall tonics. In Sanskrit, jeera is known as Jiraka, which means “the element which helps digestion.”How to use it: Whenever you experience acidity chew a few seeds of Jeera to relieve acidity. The second way take a teaspoon of jeera in water boils it and drink when the solution cooled down you can also consume as a tea anytime during the day. Body Revival



Amalaki or Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry it is a fruit of Amla trees; it is used in ayurvedic preparations for multiple health benefits. In Ayurveda Amla fruit is also recognized as “Dhatri” means “God of health” it can be used both as food and medicine.

It is a fruit that has innumerable health benefits with its sour taste. It is one of the Ayurvedic herbs that are recommended as the treatment of acid reflux besides various digestive problems. Amla has high amounts of vitamin “C” which help in healing the damaged stomach lining and esophagus. It is also kapha and pitta pacifier.

How to use it: When you experience acidity take one teaspoon of Amla powder twice a day.


5.Mint leaves or Pudina

Mint is believed to be one of the oldest and most popular herbs used for acidity that is grown around the world. Mint leaves or so-called Pudina is found in many varieties among its Spearmint and peppermint are the most common.

Most types of mint are pacifying for all three doshas, and particularly helpful for balancing Pitta. Pudina is loaded with antioxidants that are excellent for abdomen; the menthol in it helps enzymes needed for digestion Health Reactive.

How to use it: Whenever you experience acidity slash some mint leaves, add them to boiling water and drink the liquid after it cools. The cooling effect, which helps to reduce the pain and burning, associated with acid reflux.


Yoga For Acidity And Indigestion

The modern-day lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits generally lead to various stomach disorders related to intestinal diseases. Among the most common are acidity, hyperacidity, ulcer, and heartburn.

Yoga can be very effective to reduce acidity attack it is quite easy and quick ways to deal with these problems. When combined with other simple remedy and lifestyle Yoga therapy cannot only provide relief but also improves digestion and facilitates internal cleansing too. Below are some of them.

  1. Vajrasana (Throne pose): It helps to improve digestion, decrease constipation, and reduce flatulence or gas.
  2. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose): Massaging the organs of the digestive system helps to treat heartburn, ulcer, and gas.
  3. Virasana (Hero’s pose): It can reduce fat around the thighs, belly fat and increases digestion too.
  4. Padmasana (Lotus Pose): Padmasana with relaxing pose like Shavasana can help to decrease flatulence or gas, it is also useful yoga therapy for peptic ulcer.
  5. Makrasana (Crocodile Pose): Massaging the abdominal organs can reduce stress.

If you are thinking of taking herbs for acid reflux or as a form of medicinal treatment, keep in mind consulting your doctor first. This is since some herbs may mesh with other herbs or with medicines you might be currently taking, or other health circumstances you may have.


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