Ayurvedic perspectives on food allergies

 29 Oct 2022  1643

What are Allergies?

A response the body experiences to a certain food or chemical is known as an allergy. An allergy is distinct from an aversion or sensitivity in that an allergy may result in an immune response reaction that may have an impact on several bodily functions. The prevalence of allergies has skyrocketed during the past 50 years. About one-third of individuals worldwide, and 50% in the western world, have allergies of some kind. This is extremely startling because allergies were far less common 100 years ago. Allergies are essentially non-existent in areas where individuals still live off the land. This alters the regions that adopt a more western way of life.

How allergies happen:

Allergies may be brought on by a number of different causes in both adults and children. Pollen, dust, or animal dander-related environmental or inhalant allergies, sometimes known as hay fever. Food triggers including nuts, shellfish, and eggs are prevalent for people with food allergies. Chemical allergies to man-made compounds such pesticides, medicines, home cleansers, and food additives are also rather frequent.

Understanding the root of allergies:

According to Ayurveda, toxins building up in the body and a weakened immune system are what create allergies in the first place. Our gut contains 70% of your immune system. Ayurveda lays a strong emphasis on how important healthy digestion is for overall wellbeing. Ama is a poisonous residue that can build up and ferment in the stomach as a result of poor digestion or digestive issues. Our food is digested and absorbed when agni (digestive fire) is strong, which feeds all of our cells. The elimination channels are used to get rid of the food particles that is unnecessary. Unsuitable food pairings, unresolved stress or emotions, eating the improper foods for our particular blend of doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha), and incompatible food combinations can all diminish agni and lead to ama.

Allergic Reactions:

After being exposed to an allergen, allergic responses often occur swiftly within a few minutes. They can increase the signs of asthma, as well as cause sneezing, runny or clogged noses, red, itchy, watery eyes, wheezing, and coughing.

Holistic Remedies for Allergies:

1. Ayurveda advises cleaning immediately before the start of spring to get rid of the kapha and pollutants gathered throughout the winter if you have seasonal allergies. As fall approaches, a second cleansing is advised.

2. Eat a healthy, nutritious meal that includes whole grains, cooked, gently spiced organic fruits and vegetables, and dhal curries for protein. Make sure the food is hot, fresh, and seasoned with a little ghee. Steer clear of fatty meals like red meat, cheese, frozen foods, and ultra-processed foods that are filled with chemicals and preservatives.

3. Drink warm water all day to aid with ama removal.

4. Exercises in pranayama breathing, mindfulness, and meditation all contribute to a decrease in stress and an improvement in the removal of emotional ama.


Because allergies can also be triggered by emotional reasons, drugs don't always work to treat them. The flora of internal organs, particularly the intestines, gallbladder, or liver, are significantly impacted by suppressed emotions like rage, fear, or worry, which in turn affects the agni that lives in these areas.
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