Top 8 Home Remedies for Indigestion & Gas Problems

 29 Jun 2021  1965

Top 8 Home Remedies for Indigestion & Gas Problems

Indigestion is also recognized as the upset of the stomach or as dyspepsia. When occurs the person has a feeling of pain or a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. Which then result in nausea, bloating, belching and sometimes even vomiting? Indigestion can result in disease in the digestive tract such as gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) or ulcers. Everyone might have experience acidity, gas, and Indigestion in their life. But many are unaware of what is Indigestion?  And what causes it.

However, for many people indigestion is seen due to eating too quickly, overeating, eat during situations of stress or eating high-fat food. Indigestion symptoms can be seen by the sweating, smallness of breath, pain flush in the neck, jaw or arm

Indigestion is very common and many may experience from time to time. Indigestion some time is also related to the psychological condition, its base linked can be with stress. Indigestion can also be a sign of conditions such as ulcers and inflammation of the gallbladder.




Ginger is one of the most effective herbs that can be useful in indigestion. Consuming Ginger can help the digestive juices to work better to digest the food we eat.

It also regulates the flow of juices in the digestive system to ensure proper absorption of food. It also absorbs the excess stomach acid and aids in proper digestion.

This way it helps the food to move faster from the stomach to large intestines so that they can get easily digested. You can consume Ginger in a form available to you such as using fresh, powder form or as pickled.

  • How to use: Take a piece of fresh ginger crush it and place it glass of boil water, allow it to steep for 5-6 minutes. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey to make it taste better.

2.Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are also known as “Saunf” in Hindi, it is a wonderful herb that can be used for indigestion. It is a seed that is obtained from a tree called fennel or Foeniculum vulgare.

You will be surprised to know that it has been used since Egyptian and Greek times as a digestive aid. There are many types of volatile oil found in the Fennel seeds the main are fenchone estragole and trans-anethole.

This volatile oil in the seeds works as carminative properties, it works to prevent and remove gas from the intestine. This way it not only stimulates the production of gastric juices but also initiates the digestive process.

  • How to use: Take two teaspoons of fennel seed roast and grind them, put it into the glass of water and drink. Drink this remedy for two or three times a day. The other best way is simply chewing these seeds. While chewing the volatile oil is realized along with saliva it helps the food to digest easily.

3.Carom Seeds

Carom seeds are also known as an Ajwain seed, it is a wonderful herb that can be used for indigestion and gas. Ajwain contains active enzymes called thymol that is very important in the digestive process.

This chemical element boosts the digestive system by releasing gastric juices in the stomach and speeding up the process of digestion. Beside indigestion and gas Ajwain also plays an important role in managing nausea, flatulence and even in colicky pain in babies.

  • How to use: Take 1 teaspoon of carom seeds and 1 teaspoon of carom seeds, add 1/2 teaspoon of ginger into it mix with water and drink it daily to cure heart burns, gas and indigestion.

4.Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea can be other best home remedies for indigestion and the sinus congestion due to irritable bowel syndrome. Today these days there is a widespread culture of having peppermint flavor after-dinner.

The truth is it is not so helpful in treating acid reflux or heartburn but can be best for indigestion. The reason is our body have the esophagus which is directly connected to the stomach and it has a sphincter muscle that acts as a valve that allows food flow only in one direction.

The sphincter muscle closes and the food into the stomach doesn’t go up. Drinking Peppermint tea cannot only relax the sphincter muscles but also aid in the digestion process.

  • How to use: First of all boil the water and pour into the cup. Put 7-10 fresh mint leaves into it; allow it to steep for about 4- 5 minutes. Remove mint leaves after steeping, you can also eat them along with the cup of tea if you want. For taste, you can add one teaspoon of honey to it.


Coriander is a wonderful spice that can be effective in dealing with indigestion and gas. It is because it has the properties that promote digestive enzymes production.

If the person is having problems in daily routine they can start consuming food containing coriander seeds or coriander powder to keep the problems of indigestion at bay.

Beside indigestion, it can also be useful for intestinal gas, bowel spasms, diarrhea, nausea, hernia, joint pain, toothaches and the other infections that are caused by fungus and bacteria.

  • How to use: Put one tablespoon of coriander seeds in a cup of boiling water; let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Wait for the water to cool down and drink.  Repeat this process for at least one week and you will find the difference.

6.Apple Cider Vinegar

Using Apple cider vinegar is another common home remedies used for indigestion and gas. It is a remedy that is easily available in most of the homes.

Apple cider vinegar can be a great remedy because of its acetic acid properties found in it. Many people have acid reflux problems that are due to the scarcity of stomach acid.Drinking Apple cider vinegar can be beneficial as it introduces more juice into the digestive tract. Beside this, it is also effective against various types of bacterial infection and has anti-microbial properties. Beside benefits in indigestion, it can also good for a skin and hair care.

  • How to use: Take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into one cup of water and drink. You can also add honey for taste. Drink it for about three or four times a day and you will find relief.

7.Aloe juice

Aloe is another important herb that can be useful in indigestion and gas. It is considered to be because of anti-inflammatory fatty acids in it. It is an acid that alkalizes the digestive juices and prevents acidity that is a common cause of indigestion.

The fatty acids in aloe not only benefit the stomach but also the small intestine and colon. Aloe juice also helps to clear the toxins out of the digestive system. Beside this, it improves digestion and working function of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder.

It is an important herb of Ayurveda that is used for many ailments such as light burns, wounds, mild sunburn, pimples, psoriasis, frostbite and fever beside indigestion.

  • How to use: Take one tablespoon of Aloe Vera juice and 3-4 drops of lemon in a glass of water and drink it regularly.

8.Mustard Oil

Mustard oil can also be used as a home remedy for indigestion and gas. It makes it so special because of its vinegar content in the mustard seeds, more rather than its sodium salt elemental properties.

The mustard seeds have a low content of acid which makes mustard the less acidic food that we eat. Indigestion or gas is caused when the stomach produces more acids; it is when the food is not digested properly.

The mustard oil defends the stomach against producing any extra acid. The acid in the mustard oil also helps to lower the overall pH level of stomach acid.

  • How to use: Take 2 teaspoons of mustard seed put into a glass of water and drink it, do not chew the mustard seed swallow it.               

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