Constant Diarrhea A Problem? Cure With Ayurveda Approach

 16 Sep 2021  2113

Constant Diarrhea A Problem? Cure With Ayurveda Approach

What is Diarrhea? Diarrhea is a term in which the patient experiences irregularly frequent bowels, and the stool disposed of from the body is watery. The problem can be resulted in by bacteria or viral infection, or it can be caused by irritable bowel syndrome.

Many patients suffer from Mala-absorption, the situation in which the digestive tract is incapable of absorbing foods in the small intestine, and it can give rise to diarrhea.

Diarrhea is sometimes caused by ulcers or infection in the digestive tract It can also be caused by dysentery and sometimes give rise to excessive exercise. Eventually, it is caused by gluten a substance that is found in rye, barley, and wheat this condition is called Celiac disease.

What are Diarrhea & Causes in Ayurveda

Diarrhea is termed “antisera” in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, frequent passing of watery stools is the cardinal characteristic. Diarrhea arises from the excess mass of stools and endotoxins (ama) in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and this surplus is eliminated by way of the nearest outlet (rectum) as diarrhea.

Digestive and excretory processes are the two parts of the GI tract called mahasrotas, which impact each other. The common etiological causes of the diseases are dyspepsia and endotoxin “Atisara” which mean frequent passing of excessively watery, unformed stool.  In other words, in other words, it can be said watery stools, frequent bowel movements, and loose bowel movements.According to Ayurveda, there are six forms of diarrhea they can define as Bhayaja, Vataja, Tridoshaja, Kaphaja, and Pittaja(they are generally caused by fear) Bhayaja & Shokaja (this type is mainly caused by distress) and Raktatisara (this type of diarrhea-related with bleeding).

  1. Vataj: It can be characterized by symptoms such as abdominal cramping and gas in the abdomens, and it holds more water and less fecal matter.
  2. Pitta: It can be characterized by symptoms such as offensive odor with yellowish stools.
  3. Kapha: It can be characterized by symptoms such as mucous and stools whitish in color.
  4. Tridoshaj: It can be characterized with all the features simultaneously such as manifested with all symptoms of all doshas.
  5. Raktaj: It can be characterized by symptoms such as the blood stool with mixed fecal matter.
  6. Shokaj and Bhayaja: It can be characterized by symptoms where Vayu (gas) is caused gets weakened quickly by the way of anxiety and fear. This type of diarrhea is caused by fear and anxiety are psychological & exogenic. When the mentally disturbed or fear is causing there is an upsurge of pitta, that ultimately causes Vayu (gas) that causes the fecal matter to become liquid & produce liquid-like, diarrhea, floating (on water).

Ayurveda Diet For Diarrhea

The finest Indian diet for diarrhea is Kitchari (Which is the combination of pulses and cereals). One can also go for buttermilk, which is the best as per Ayurveda. Cumin seed’s lemon and ginger may also be helpful. Pomegranate is one of the best fruits to be taken particularly the bark powder.

Fasting is the primary step that should be taken for treating diarrhea according to Ayurveda. During the fasting period, you must drink warm water throughout the day. This is an excellent method of cure as it flushes out the toxins from the bowels.

Ayurvedic Herbs To Cure Diarrhea

1. Emblica Officinalis(Indian Gooseberry): Indian gooseberry is well known for its cure for diarrhea, it is the richest source of vitamin C in the world. It is also one of the main ingredients used in the preparation of Triphala.

2. Solanum nigrum(Black Nightshade): Black nightshade leaves are useful in the healing of diarrhea. The leaves can be taken in the form of an infusion with any juice or other liquids.3. Trachyspermum ammi(Bishop’s Weed): The oil obtained from the seeds of the Bishop’s weed is helpful in the healing of diarrhea. Only two to three drops of this oil per dose is enough.

4. Terminalia chebula(Chebulic Myrobalan): It is well known as harad in Hindi and is also the second main ingredient used in the preparation of Triphala. The pulp of this unripe fruit can be taken along with honey for the best results.

5. Ficus bengalensis (Banyan): The buds of the banyan trees are very helpful in the cure of diarrhea. It must be soaked in water overnight, and the extract must be taken in the morning.

6. Butea monosperma (Butea): The butea tree outputs a gum that is helpful in the cure of diarrhea. It is particularly useful in women and children who are suffering from diarrhea.

7. Aegle marmelos(Bael): Bael is very advantageous for the cure of diarrhea, which is not attached by fever. The unripe or half-ripe fruit is eaten for the most successful results.

8. Terminalia belerica (Belleric Myroblan): It is known as bahera in Hindi, is one of the elements, extremely useful Triphala. The pulp of its fruit is taken to cure most stomach troubles, including indigestion and diarrhea.

9. Acacia arabica(Babul): The babul tree is very effective in stopping diarrhea. Each part of the babul tree is useful. Its leaves can be taken as a combined dose with black cumin seeds, its bark can be taken as an extract with water and even its gum can be taken as a syrup.

10. Terminalia arjuna(Arjuna): The bark of the Arjuna tree is helpful in the healing of diarrhea. The bark is taken as a decoction in The dosages of 15 to 30 grams per day.

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