Three Ayurvedic Types

 04 Jan 2023  1528

Three Ayurvedic Types, Three Types of Ayurveda

The ability of Ayurveda to individuate and tailor advice for each person is one of its many assets. Each of us is considered a whole and unique individual in this way. A powerful tool is knowing one's Ayurvedic type of body or constitution. Adopting the concepts of Ayurveda in your life is a crucial prerequisite. Your subtle body is made up of a variety of factors, each of which affects your Ayurvedic constitution differently. Vata, Pitta, & Kapha, the three doshas that control how the body manifests physically and functionally, are created by these elements.

As was covered in earlier articles, doshas that are in balance support healthy structures and effective operations. Disease results from imbalance. When you are aware of your Ayurvedic nature, you know your "natural" structural, functional, & psychological tendencies You can see how being out of balance has an impact on these. In the end, as you start to comprehend the concepts of balance, you can develop health and wellness through daily routines, dietary choices, and mental-emotional attitudes.

Ayurvedic constitutions can be divided into the following 7 major groups:

• Vata-dominant

• Pitta-dominant

• Kapha-dominant

• dominant vata-pitta

• dominant kapha-vata

• dominant Pitta-Kapha

• Tridoshic (equal prevalence of Vata-pitta-kapha) (equal dominance of Vata-pitta-kapha)

There are three varieties of Ayurveda

1. Vata

Vata combines the elements of space and air. As a result, it is a combination of these components and incorporates their traits. The main characteristics of a vata-dominant constitution can be seen as a result of the vata dosha... For instance: The quality of dryness in the air is the Vata dosha; in a vata dominant and vata aggravated individual, this quality of the Vata dosha can be seen as dryness, dry eyes, wavy hair, parched nails, dry mouth, etc. For a thorough illustration of a Vata-dominant type of body and its physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. Some vata dominance characteristics, such as dryness of tissue, anxiety, racing thoughts, etc., can also be observed in people with other constitutions who are experiencing a vata aggravation. Later articles will address these complications.

2. Pitta

Pitta is an amalgam of the elements of Fire and Water. As a result, it is a combination of these elements and incorporates their traits. The main characteristics of pitta dosha that can be seen translated into characteristics of the major characteristics of Pitta-dominant physiology can be seen in the pitta dosha. Fire, for instance, appears to contribute to the hot and sharp qualities of the Pitta dosha; the hot qualities of a Pitta dosha can be seen in the pitta-dominant person's reddish skin as well as hot body temperature, and the sharpness can be seen in the person's straightforwardness of speech, excessively logical or rational starting to think, and sharp intellect. Pitta aggravation symptoms, such as fevers, inflammation, liver toxicity, and other conditions, can also cause people with other constitutions to display certain characteristics of pitta dominance, such as heated body temp, sensitivity to heat, rage, and irritability. We will discuss in subsequent pieces, with these difficulties.

3. Kapha

The elemental combination of Kapha is Water and Earth. As a result, it is a combination of these elements & incorporates their traits. The main characteristics of the Kapha dosha correspond to the characteristics of a Kapha-dominant constitution. For instance: Water adds to the Kapha dosha's soft, liquid properties, which can be seen in things like well-hydrated skin, hair, a pleasant, calming voice, and compassion, among other things. The larger body shape structure, heavier muscular bulk, and denser fat tissue of the individual all reflect the density of Earth. For a thorough illustration of the physical, mental, & emotional characteristics of people with a Pitta-dominant body type. Some Kapha dominance characteristics, such as water retention, heavy People with various constitutions who suffer from a Kapha aggravation brought on by Ama (toxic plumes), route blockages, etc. may also experience weight gain, mental cloudiness, and lethargy. Later articles will address these complications.

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